Abstract form Deadline for sending in an abstract is July 15, 2023 Type of presentation: Oral presentationPoster Key topic: Biology of wildlifeEcology and environmentManaging of wildlife populationsMonitoring the game species – knowing how many animals there is or knowing how many can be shot?Welfare, pathology and diseasesThe role of urbanized areas for game and protected animals - benefits and threats for humans and animalsWildlife management in forestry and agricultural agrocenosisHunting and society - methods of assessing public opinion, education and promotion of hunting as a protection and sustainable use of natural resourcesBenefits and costs of wildlife management – recreation, business, mitigation of conflicts ….. or all in one (?) Author/authors: (All authors should clearly indicate their full name – e.g. Brown John. Below the names, the authors' affiliation addresses (under which the work was actually done) must be provided and must contain the full postal address of each affiliation, including the name of the country. One author should be clearly identified as corresponding author, together with an e-mail address.) Title (The title of the work should be concise and informative. The author should avoid abbreviations and formulas as much as possible.) Abstract (All oral and poster papers require an abstract, which should not exceed 400 words. The abstract should contain information about the scope and purpose of the work, research site, methods and materials used, the most important results and main conclusions.): Keywords (Keywords, located ude te abstract, should be 5-7 words in alphabetical order. Keywords should not repeat the title of the job and avoid words such as "and" or "of".): Address e-mail to correspondence with author: I accept the terms and conditions