History of IUGB

The IUGB (International Union of Game Biologists) is an international, non-profit organization whose aims are to promote the improvement of knowledge about game biology and any other skill related to wildlife, as well as improving wildlife population management and wildlife habitat conservation.
The IUGB, previously known as the “Internationalen Rings der Jagdwissenschaftler”, was established in 1954 during the world hunting exhibition in Diseldorf. Its founder was one of the most famous wildlife biologists of that time, Prof. Fritz Nuβlein. The professor was a forester by education, a hunter by passion, and an educator by vocation. He was the founder of the “Zeitschrift für Jagdwissenschaft” magazine, known across the entire Europe. In his work, Prof. Fritz Nuβlein paid great attention to the fact that hunting practice and research create an inseparable pair.
The following fragment from Nuβlein’s textbook has gone down in history- “Let the guide – as scientific as necessary, as practical as possible – be a tool for young hunters in their hunting work and give old hunters inspiration for new considerations” .

The aims of IUGB are:
• organizing an international congress every two years;
• promoting the concept of sustainable use of wild fauna and flora;
• stimulating research and international technical cooperation in the development of new models for the development and management of renewable resources, integrating the objectives of nature conservation, wise land use and economic decisions;
• promoting awareness and recognition of the value of wildlife;
• supporting and promoting high standards of education and professional work in the field of wildlife management;
• contributing solidarity amongst its members